In my science journalism art, I have been able to gather more than 35 years of wonderful experiences that I share with other people in different ways. Through seminars, talks, conferences, and workshops, I can teach, inspire, and motivate students, professors, professional journalists, and scientists. I also give talks at Colombian embassies in various countries to bring the topic of scientific diplomacy to the general public. In these talks I try to build bridges and establish contacts between science institutions, researchers, exploration programs and other initiatives that benefit Colombia and the host country.
-Science Festival Puerto de Ideas Antofagasta, Chile (April 2022)
-Science Festival Puerto de Ideas BioBio, Chile (August 2022)
Contact me to moderate and/or present your science-related conferences and content to diverse audiences. swafford_2001@yahoo.com
· Mar 2022. Colombian Embassy in Norway. Videoconference. "Colombia and Science in the Arctic". For the Arctic Council Science Summit Week.
· Nov 2021. Colombian Embassy in Chile. Videoconference. “La relación de Colombia y Chile en temas científicos: una mirada desde el tema antártico”. Con el director del Instituto Antartico Chileno Dr. Marcelo Leppe.
· Oct 2021. Colombian Embassy in Ireland. Videoconference. "Chiribiquete, Talking Walls".
· Sep 2021. Colombian Embassy in Spain. In person. Madrid Book Fair presentation.
· Jul 2021. Colombian Embassy in Argentina. Videoconference. "Cooperacion cientifica Colombia-argentina en la antartica". Con el contralmirante Marcelo Tarapow.
· May 2021. Colombian Embassy in Sweden. Videoconference. "El futuro de los polos, una cuestion global".
· Apr 2021. Colombian Embassy in United States. Videoconference. "Why Colombia is the Arctic".
· Dec 2020. Colombian Embassy in Australia and Nueva Zelanda. Videoconference. Con el Latin American Center for Asia Pacific Excellence. "Colombia & Antarctica".
· Dec 2020. Colombian Embassy in Canada. Videoconference. "Exploration Beyond Boundaries".
· Dec 2020. Colombian Embassy in South Africa/Pretoria. Videoconference. "Antarctic Day: Reflections from the Global South".
· Dec 2020. Colombian Embassy in United Kingdom. Videoconference. "Science Communication in Science Diplomacy and Society".
· Dec 2020. Colombian Embassy in Singapore. Videoconference. "The Humpback Whales". ("whales can be silver threads of friendship and cooperation between nations"). https://youtu.be/TmEwiwCSbVQ
· Nov 2020. Colombian Embassy in El Salvador. Videoconference. "Expediciones científicas de Colombia a la Antártida".
· Aug 2020. Colombian Embassy in Peru. Lima Book Fair. Videoconference.
· Aug 2020. Colombian Embassy in Chile/Agregaduria Naval. Videoconference.“Mis experiencias con la Armada colombiana en ciencia y diplomacia".
· May 2020. Colombian Embassy in Brazil. Videoconference. With the Instituto Cervantes. "La asombrosa ciencia de los virus".
· Nov 2919. Colombian Embassy in Germany and Berlin Science Week. In person. "The Science Behind Talking About Science".
· Oct 2019. Colombian Embassy in Uruguay. In person. Presentación del libro HIELO, a la luz de las relaciones diplomáticas y científicas entre las armadas de Colombia y Uruguay, así como de sus respectivos programas antárticos. Embajador Fernando Sanclemente Alzate; Contralmirante (r) Manuel Burgos, Instituto Antártico Uruguayo.
· Oct 2019. Colombian Embassy in Chile. In person. Con la Universidad Diego Portales, invitada a la Catedra Abierta en homenaje a Roberto Bolano: https://www.udp.cl/noticia/catedra-abierta-en-homenaje-a-roberto-bolano-con-angela-posada-swafford/
· May 2919. Colombian Embassy in Costa Rica. In person. Feria del Libro. Con Ministra de Cultura Sylvie Duran.
Recent gigs:
Banco de La Republica: 2-day conference and workshop for 50 journalists, February 2019.
February 2019: Hay Festival Cartagena: Presentation of the book "Ice: log of an Antarctic expeditionary"
May 2018: Offshore Technology Conference 2018 - Houston. Panel Moderator of the Invited Organization, International Seabed Authority, to talk about Progress and Prospects in Deep Seabed Mining -50 Years On.
Communicating Astronomy to the Public, Medellin, Colombia, May 2016
The challenges of communicating climate change: Dartmouth College, conference, 2015.
International workshop: How to communicate about science, agriculture and climate change? _CIAT_CCAFS_Honduras. 2015 Poynter Environmental Journalism Workshop with SEJ, Nov. 2014, St. Petersburg
Astronomy Festival, Villa de Leyva, Colombia, February 8, 2014
"Lonely Heart of the Cosmos", my experiences covering astronomy and cosmology for the last 25 years.
Planetarium of Bogotá. After having witnessed the manufacture of one of the seven gigantic mirrors of this monster of the skies, I realized that we are in the middle of the golden age of astronomy. I am going to reveal the secrets of how these mirrors are constructed, prepared and configured in a huge rose of mirrors found in a 22-story building in Chile.
Health and Medicine Journalism Webinar, Roche, 2013
TEDx Pura Vida Costa Rica and TEDx Joven Costa Rica, 2011 / Antartica, Misterious Ice:
Universal Thinking Forum, Mexico, 2013: